Article Credit - Raisha Hassan Chowdhury
Land boundary of Bangladesh
Ø Bangladesh
covers an area of 147,570 sq km. It extends from 20'34N to 26'38N latitude and
from 88'01E to 92'41E longitude.
Ø The Indian States of West Bengal , Assam, Meghalaya and Tripura border Bangladesh in the west, north and east respectively.
Ø Myanmar
forms the southern part of the eastern frontier.
Ø The
total length of the land border is about 4,246 km, of which 93.9% is shared
with India and about 6.1% with Myanmar.
Ø The
country is bounded in the south by Bay of Bengal.
National Flag of Bangladesh
Ø Like
all other nations Bangladesh also follows approved rules as regards size,
design, color of the national flag and manner of hoisting the flag.
Ø According to flag rules (1972), the National
Flag will be in bottle green and rectangular in size in the proportion of 10:6,
with a red circle in the middle. The red circle will have a radius of one-fifth
of the length of the flag.
Ø Its
center will be placed on the intersecting point of the perpendicular drawn from
the nine-twentieth part of the length of the flag, and the horizontal line
drawn through the middle of its width.
Ø The green base of the flag will be of Procion
Brilliant Green H-2RS 50 parts per 1000. The red circular part will be of
Procion Brilliant Orange H-2RS 60 parts per 1000.
Ø Initially
the flag had the map of Bangladesh in the centre, which was withdrawn later.
The Mujibnagar Government adopted the pattern of the flag unfurled by the
student leaders in the Dhaka University on 2 March 1971.
Ø The
national flag was officially adopted on 17 January 1972 which was designed by
Quamrul Hassan
National Emblem of Bangladesh
Ø National
Emblem is a symbol that represents the People's Republic of Bangladesh.
Ø It is the national flower shapla (Nymphaea
pubescens) resting on water, having on each side an ear of paddy and being
surmounted by three connected leaves of jute with two stars on each side of the
Ø Bangladesh
landscape and economy are characterized by water, paddy and jute.
Ø The
aquatic blooming flower shapla embedded on these three things symbolises
promise, aesthetics and elegance. The stars symbolise aims and ambition of the
National language of Bangladesh
Ø Bengali (Bangla) is the national language of Bangladesh, belongs to the Indo-Aryan group
of languages and is related to Sanskrit.
Ø Bangladesh
is the only country who had fought for her mother tongue in 1952.
Ø 98%
people of Bangladesh speak in Bengali
National Anthem of Bangladesh
Ø National
Anthem official song of the People's Republic of Bangladesh. Composed
by rabindranath tagore in Bangla in 1906, the song 'Amar Sonar
Bangla' became popular during the swadeshi movement in the first two
decades of the 20th century.
Ø The
Constitution of Bangladesh (Article 4.1) adopted the song as the national
anthem of the People's Republic of Bangladesh.
Ø The
first ten lines of the song have been specified to make the anthem for vocal
music and the first four lines for instrumental music.
National Flower of Bangladesh
Ø The
Sada shapla or white waterlily is the national flower of Bangladesh.
Ø Selected
as the national flower after liberation war by the government.
Ø Symbol
of purity of soul and unity.
Ø Located
in the center of the Emblem of Bangladesh.
Ø Also
the national flower of Srilanka.
Ø Blooms
all around the year.
Ø Found
in every part of Bangladesh.
National Fish of Bangladesh
Ø Ilish
or Hilsa is the national fish of Bangladesh.
Ø The
scientific name of this fish is Hilsa Ilisha not Tenualosa ilisha.
Ø Body
length may reach up to 60 cm, but commonly found specimens measure 35 to 40
Ø Its
natural habitat is the estuaries or the seas. But for breeding purposes it has
to come to the upstream or rivers.
Ø At
present the main hilsa landing centres are Chandpur, Chittagong and Barisal
Ø A hilsa dish is the traditional way to celebrate the Bangladeshi new-year and other festivals.
National fruit of Bangladesh
Ø The
Jackfruit is the national fruit of Bangladesh.
Ø It
is one of the largest fruits to grow on trees in the world.
Ø Jackfruit
is found all over in Bangladesh; but mainly in the month of Jaishtha and Ashar.
Ø The
leaves of Jackfruit trees are good food for cow and goat.
Ø Good
quality furniture can be made from jackfruit trees.
Ø Also
the national fruit of Indonesia.
National bird of Bangladesh
Ø Doyel
or magpie robin is the national bird of Bangladesh.
Scientific name is Copsychus saularis
Ø The
Magpie Robin or the Doyel can grow up to around nineteen centimeters from head
to tail.
Ø Mostly
found in Bangladesh into the rural areas, especially in quieter regions.
Ø They
are well-known for their melodious call and popular as cage birds.
Ø The
Magpie Robin is a widely used national symbol in Bangladesh, appearing on their
currency notes, and a landmark in the Dhaka city is named as the Doyel Chatwar
or Doyel Square.
National Animal of Bangladesh
Ø Royal
Bengal Tiger is the official National animal of Bangladesh.
Ø Panthera
tigris tigris is the scientific name of the Royal Bengal Tiger.
Ø The
Bengal tigers in the Sundarbans in India and Bangladesh are the only
tigers in the world, which inhabit in mangrove forests.
Ø Symbols
of royalty, fearlessness and wrath
Ø Members
of the East Bengal Regiment of the Bangladesh Army are
nicknameed 'Bengal Tigers'; the regiment's logo is a tiger face and
the Bangladesh Cricket Board,s logo features a royal Bengal tiger.
Ø Also
the national animal of India and Myanmar
National game of Bangladesh
Ø The
Ha-Du-Du (Kabadi) is the National game of Bangladesh
Ø As
the National Game of Bangladesh, Kabadi is enjoyed by thousands of players, and
even more spectators, around the country.
Ø Played by two competing teams, Kabadi is an
outdoor activity played on a rectangular court of 12.5 by 10 meters in size,
which is divided in two by a white line. Although each team consists of twelve
players, only seven members of each team will be on the court at one time. The
other team members remain on the sidelines as extras.
Ø To monitor the game there are two linesmen, a
timekeeper, a referee, a scorer and two umpires. The decision as to who starts
the game is decided by tossing a coin and it is played in 20-minute sessions.
National park of Bangladesh
Ø Bhawal
National Park (Bengali: ভাওয়াল জাতীয় উদ্যান) is a nature reserve
and the national park of Bangladesh.
Ø Bhawal
National Park was established and maintained as a National Park in 1974; it was
officially declared in 1982 under the Wildlife Act of 1974. By origin, it was
the forest of Madhupur under the rule of Bhawal Estate. It is located
in Gazipur, Dhaka Division of Bangladesh, approximately
40 km north of Dhaka city, only 20 km drive
from Gazipur and 20 km from Kapasia. The core area of the
park covers 940 hectares but extends to 5,022 ha of surrounding forest. Its
purpose is to protect important habitats as well as to provide opportunities
for recreation.
Ø The most common flora is the unique coppice sal forest. The area was noted for peacocks, tiger, leopard, black panther, elephant, clouded leopard and sambar deer. However much of the wildlife had disappeared and only a few species remain.
National forest of Bangladesh
Ø Shundarbans
is the national forest of Bangladesh.
Ø The Sundarbans is
a mangrove area in the delta formed by the confluence of
the Ganges, Brahmaputra and Megna Rivers in the Bay of Bengal.
Ø The
Sundarbans mangrove forest covers an area of about 10,000 km2 (3,900 sq mi)
Ø Four
protected areas in the Sundarbans are enlisted as UNESCO World Heritage
National river of Bangladesh
Ø The
Jamuna River is the National river of Bangladesh.It is the main distributary
channel of the Brahmaputra River as it flows from India
to Bangladesh.
Ø The
Jamuna flows south and joins the Padma River (Pôdda), near Goalundo Ghat,
before meeting the Meghna River near Chandpur.
Ø It
then flows into the Bay of Bengal as the Meghna River. It is one of the most
beautiful and important rivers of Bangladesh.
National poet of Bangladesh
Ø Kazi
Nazrul Islam is the national poet of Bangladesh
Ø Nazrul
known as the ‘Rebel’ poet in Bengali literature and the ‘Bulbul’ or Nightingale
of Bengali music.
Ø Kazi
Nazrul Islam was born on May 24, 1899 in Churulia village, Bardhawan in West
Bengal, India.
Ø Nazrul’s
nickname was “Dukhu Mia”.
Ø His
mother was Zaheda Khatun and his father Kazi Fakir Ahmed was the Imaam of
the local village mosque
Ø His
father’s premature death forced him, at the age of 10, to become the Muazzin (a
caller for prayer) of the local mosque.
Ø Nazrul
joined a folk-opera group inspired by his uncle Bazle Karim
Ø Although
Nazrul had to change schools two or three times, he managed to continue
up to class X.
Ø In
1917 he joined the Indian Army.
Ø National
March of Bangladesh is written and tuned by Nazrul.
Notable works |
Gaan Bidrohi Pralayollas Dhumketu Agniveena Bandhan
Hara Nazrul
Geeti |
awards |
Padma Bhushan Ekushey Padak Independence
Day Award |
Ø National
March is written and tuned by Nazrul
Ø Nazrul
and his family were brought to independent Bangladesh on 24 May 1972.
Ø The
poet died on 29August 1976.
Ø Kazi
Nazrul Islam was buried with state honour on Dhaka University campus, on the
northern side of Dhaka University mosque.
National Museum of Bangladesh
Ø Bangladesh
National Museum (BNM), officially known as Bangladesh Jatiya Jadughar, owes its
origin and growth to the Dhaka museum.
Ø Bangladesh
National Museum was originally established on 20 March 1913 as Dhaka museum and
after it was made the national museum of Bangladesh on 17 November 1983.
Ø The
museum is located at Shahbag in Dhaka city occupying 8.63 acres land, with a
magnificent building, containing 44 galleries, a large library, three
auditoriums and two exhibition halls.
Ø There
are four other branch museums under the control of Bangladesh National Museum-
these are ahsan manzil Museum (Dhaka), Osmani Museum (Sylhet), Zia Smriti
Museum (Chittagong) and Shilpacharya Zainul Abedin Sangrahashala (Mymensingh).
National Monuments and Memorials of Bangladesh
Ø The Shaheed
minar is a national monument.
Ø established
to commemorate those killed during the Bengali Language Movement
demonstrations of 1952 in then East Pakistan.
Ø Shaheed
Minar is situated near Dhaka Medical College Hospital and in the Dhaka
University area. It is adjacent to the Mathematics department of Dhaka
Ø The
first Shaheed Minar was built immediately after the events of 21–22 February
1952 designed by Dr. Sayeed Haider and after 3 days demolished by Pakistani
army .
Ø The
foundation stone of the Shaheed Minar was laid for the second time on 21
February 1956 by Abu Hossain Sarkar, the then Chief Minister of East Pakistan,
along with Maulana ABDUL HAMID KHAN BASHANI and Hasina Begum, mother
of Abul Barkat, the language martyr.
Ø During
the war of liberation in 1971, the Pakistani army again demolished the
Minar and placed a signboard there with the word 'Mosque' written on it.
Ø Present
dimensions of Shaheed minar designed by Hamidur Rahman.
Ø The
enormous design includes a half-circular arrangement of columns to symbolise
the mother, with her fallen sons, standing on the monument's central dais, and
the red sun shining behind.
Ø The
Shaheed Minar, with all its architectural and sculptural imperfections, still
stands as a symbol of the linguistic and nationalistic struggle of Bangladeshis.
Ø National
Martyrs’ Memorial situated at Savar, about 35 km north-west of Dhaka.
Ø Symbolises
the valour and sacrifice of the martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the
liberation of Bangladesh.
Ø Designed
by architect Moinul Hossain.
Ø Inaugurated
at 16 December, 1982.
Ø Consisting
of seven triangular monuments and spread over 108 acre of land and the top of
this monument is 150ft high.
Ø 7
isosceles triangular pyramids remind seven Incidents relating to Bangladeshi Liberations.
Martyred Intellectuals Memorial
- built in memory of the martyred intellectuals of Bangladesh Liberation War.
- The memorial, located at Rayerbazar, Mohammadpur Thana in Dhaka.
- designed by architect Farid U Ahmed and Jami Al Shafi.
- Construction started on 1996 and finished on 1999.
- The main element of the monument is approximately 17.7 m high, 0.9 m thick and 115.8 m long curved brick wall, representing the original brickfield of Rayer Bazar where the dead bodies were found.

- built in memory of the martyred intellectuals of Bangladesh Liberation War.
- The memorial, located at Rayerbazar, Mohammadpur Thana in Dhaka.
- designed by architect Farid U Ahmed and Jami Al Shafi.
- Construction started on 1996 and finished on 1999.
- The main element of the monument is approximately 17.7 m high, 0.9 m thick and 115.8 m long curved brick wall, representing the original brickfield of Rayer Bazar where the dead bodies were found.
Ø Swadhinata
Stambha or Independence Monument is a national monument in Bangladesh to
commemorate the historical events that took place in the Suhrawardy Udyan
regarding the Liberation War of Bangladesh.
Ø Government
of Bangladesh took the initiative to build the monument in 1996.
Ø The
construction began in 1999 and completed in 2013.
Ø Kashef
Mahboob Chowdhury and Marina Tabassum designed the project.
Ø The
main attraction of the project is a 50-meter high tower composed of stacked
glass panels.
National library of Bangladesh
Ø The
National Library of Bangladesh was established under a special order of the
government soon after the liberation of the country. However, the National
Library practically started functioning from 1973.
Ø At
the beginning, the National Library was housed in a rented building in Dhaka at
103 Elephant Road, then at 106 Central Road (also rented) and finally in 1985
it was moved to its own building constructed by the Government at Agargaon,
Sher-e-Banglanagar, Dhaka.
Ø The
National Library of Bangladesh has several sections namely the Bibliography
Section, Library Section, Binding Section, Processing Section, Computer Section
and Microfilm Section.
Ø The
National Library has a collection of some 400,000 books including rare books
and manuscripts and about 100,000 copies of learned journals collected from
various sources.
National religion of Bangladesh
Ø The
constitution designates Islam as the state religion but
upholds the principle of secularism.
Ø It prohibits religious discrimination and
provides for equality for all religions.
National mosque of Bangladesh
Ø Baitul
Mukarram, also spelled as Baytul Mukarrom (Arabic: بيت المكرّم; Bengali: বায়তুল মোকাররম; The
Holy House) is the National Mosque of Bangladesh. Located at the center of
Dhaka, capital of Bangladesh, the mosque was completed in 1968.
Ø The
mosque complex was designed by architect, Abdulhusein M.Thariani In
National stadium of Bangladesh
Bangabandhu National Stadium (Bengali: বঙ্গবন্ধু জাতীয় স্টেডিয়াম), also known
as Dhaka Stadium, and formerly known as Dacca Stadium, is the
national stadium and a multipurpose sports arena in Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Ø It is located in the Motijheel area
in the heart of the city. The stadium has been renovated several times, most
recently for the opening ceremony of the 2011 Cricket World Cup.
Ø It
had a capacity close to 55,000 before the most recent renovation, but with a
new capacity of 36,000 it is still the largest stadium in Bangladesh.