Environmental Baseline Data Acquisition for EIA

Baseline information is important reference point for conducting EIA. The term "baseline" refers to the collection of background information on the biophysical, social and economic settings proposed project area. An Environmental Baseline Study (EBS) is an investigation conducted to establish the level of contaminants in the project areas and to assess the extent of contamination. The information needed to conduct an EBS can be acquired from the available sources. 
Environmental Baseline Data Acquisition for EIA
Environmental Baseline Data Acquisition for EIA

Baseline data are collected for two main purposes: 

• To provide a description of the status and trends of environmental factors (e.g., air pollutant concentrations) against which predicted changes can be compared and evaluated in terms of importance, and 

• To provide a means of detecting actual change by monitoring once a project has been initiated. 

Land features include topography; climatology ( temperature, rainfall ) 

Geology & Hydrogeology (Lithology of rock formations, drainage pattern, ground water table) 

Air environment (study of SPM, SOx; NOx ) 

Noise environment 

Water Environment (PH; TDS; F; dissolved Oxygen; BOD etc..) 

Soil quality Soil analysis reflect the presence of nutrients like N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn and Al 

Flora and Fauna of the proposed area 

Socio economic study include Population density; Literacy rate; Category of workers viz., cultivators, agriculture laborers, etc); Medical facilities; Main sources of availability of water viz., rivers, canals, hand pumps, taps etc.

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