How does marketing contribute - both positively and negatively

In this article we will discuss -
-How does marketing contribute - both positively and negatively
- to the health and well-being of individuals and society as a whole?
-What does the video "Fed Up!" show us about the power of marketing?
-How can less well-resourced products/services compete in the marketing landscape (like broccoli and brussel sprouts) with soda brands, fast food chains, and processed foods?

How does marketing contribute  - both positively and negatively

To begin, we all know that Marketing drives the consumer economy by marketing goods and services and identifying people who are likely to become buyers. Increased sales for a company that uses effective marketing methods translate into expansion, job creation, increased tax revenue for governments, and, eventually, general economic growth.

1. How does marketing contribute - both positively and negatively - to the health and well-being of individuals and society as a whole?

Marketing influences every element of our lives and has a significant impact on customer behavior. Every day, we utilize advertising-related products ranging from toothpaste to clothing. Marketing influences customer purchasing decisions. People become more aware of various options and innovations as a result of marketing.
Positive Contribution - When applied effectively, marketing provides products and services that address significant problems for customers, assists innovative technologies and solutions in reaching their full potential, and contributes to the resolution of social and environmental difficulties in order to create a better world. The vast majority of marketing is beneficial to individual consumers, businesses, and society. Choices are provided by good marketers to their customers. Choice promotes consumption and economic progress while also allowing for personal expression. Consumers are informed about new products and services by good marketers.
Negative Contribution - The expense is the first disadvantage of marketing in general. Advertising and marketing are both expensive. If you do not conduct adequate research, you may wind up wasting money. Marketing efforts wasted by targeting the incorrect audience with ineffective media would be a major and costly mistake. Also, materialism, workaholism, poor lifestyle habits, alcoholism, political mudslinging, and unrealistic body image portrayals in commercials all have a negative impact on our culture and the most vulnerable among us.

2. What does the video "Fed Up!" show us about the power of marketing?

So the video "Fed Up," investigates America's obesity epidemic and exposes a secret of the American food industry. Following a group of families with children who are fighting to keep healthy and lose weight, uncovers what is contributing to the obesity epidemic: Sugar is added to 80% of the 600,000 food items sold in supermarkets. The film's main message is to eat more whole foods and less sugar. The video shows leading food experts such as Michael Pollan, Marion Nestle, Robert Lustig, and Mark Bittman arguing that the food industry's supposed "solutions" to obesity and disease are not just making the issues worse-they are generating them. They shine a spotlight on the American food sector, revealing deceptive marketing practices. The film also delves into the government's role in subsidizing and promoting the selling and marketing of unhealthy products to adults and children.
The major goal of this documentary Fed Up is to educate Americans about the causes of obesity and to raise awareness about the hazards of excessive sugar and fat consumption in the diet, as well as food industry corruption. This documentary film is based on the argument that sugar is harmful to one's health and causes a variety of health problems. Food companies are accused of marketing sugary cereals to children, placing candy and soft drinks in school cafeterias, and creating an appealing buy-out of products with less-than-appealing nutrition labels, to name a few. The film's purported bad guy—and his malicious end game—is clear, with direct comparisons to the cigarette industry.
When it comes to assisting potential consumers in learning more about a product, video content is a great tool. In fact, marketers claim that using video content has helped users comprehend a product or service better. I think the pushback on this is that it's elitist to tell people to eat real food because it's too expensive, too difficult, too inconvenient, and they don't have the capacity to do so. That, I believe, is the message that the food industry wants us to believe. And it isn't true.

3. How can less well-resourced products/services compete in the marketing landscape (like broccoli and Brussel sprouts) with soda brands, fast food chains, and processed foods?

The fruits and vegetable sector faces difficulty in bridging the gap between what consumers say they want and what they really do. Consumers are generally favorable about healthy eating, according to surveys, but they are easily misled by the clever marketing of processed foods and beverages and have a strong preference for convenience items in practice. Because of their availability, flavor, marketing, product diversity, and convenience, processed foods and sodas have become a major rival to fruits and vegetables. Consumers seeking healthier options frequently prefer processed goods in the health and wellness sector over fresh products.
Unlike soda brands, fast food chains, and processed foods, the industry also needs to do several things to increase the consumption and marketing of healthy vegetables like broccoli and Brussel sprouts. First, inconvenience needs to be reduced. As washed, cut, diced, sliced, and packaged foods become more popular, the industry must find new ways to improve convenience, such as offering chopped vegetables that can be heated in the microwave without removing the packaging. Second, the industry needs to market fruits and vegetables for more than just its health benefits. Consumers are already aware of the advantages, but they are looking for items that are convenient, tasty, and diverse. In addition to that, several studies in adults have indicated that eating more fruits and vegetables may help to maintain a stable weight and may even lead to weight loss if the fruits and vegetables ingested replace items high in fat or energy density.

Step-by-step explanation
The concept that marketing produces unnecessary needs and wants and is harmful to society is diametrically opposed to its genuine nature. Marketing is beneficial. The free economy is propelled by marketing. Marketing does not create wants or needs in customers; it merely directs them to the offered products.
The documentary Fed Up aims to raise awareness about the dangers of fast food and to shed light on America's obesity epidemic. The major goal of this video is to persuade Americans to abandon unhealthy and sugary foods and to educate their children to adopt healthier dietary choices. This documentary explains how corruption in the food sector is contributing to America's obesity problem. This documentary plainly states that the food business is to blame for the obesity issue because it adds too much sugar to food.
One of the most compelling arguments for fresh fruits and vegetables is that they are regarded as "healthy" by nutritionists, physicians, and consumers alike. This is due to the fact that fruits and vegetables are high in fiber, low in calories, and often include critical minerals like vitamin C, potassium, and folic acid, as well as chemicals that have substantial health advantages. However, the general people may be unaware of a fruit or vegetable's nutritional profile. Consumers who are worried about what they are reading can find useful information on labels for prepared fresh vegetables. and because vegetables are usually perishable, they must be promoted as soon as possible. I believe that if small farmers adopt a similar marketing plan (collective marketing), they would be able to save the most money and effort.
Discovering innovative ways to advertise vegetables enables customers to learn about and purchase healthy foods. Whether you primarily sell fruits and vegetables or have a produce section in your grocery store, is known as a company that provides helpful information on how to use product is critical to creating customer loyalty. Implementing a variety of marketing methods allows you to appeal to all of your clients, some of whom are more knowledgeable than others about selecting and preparing food.

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