Local Government system in Bangladesh


What is Government?

Government is an institution through which a society makes and enforces its public policies.


What are some examples of public policies?

The list of public policy issues is nearly endless.


What is local government?

Authority to determine and execute measures within a restricted area inside and smaller than a whole state.


What are the functions of local government in Bangladesh?

The main functions included public welfare, maintenance of law and order, revenue collection, development and adjudication.

Its sources of revenue remained almost similar to those of the BDO (Basic Democracies Order) of 1959, i.e. the government grants, taxes, rates, fees, etc.


About Bangladesh

u  Category              : Unitary State

u  Number               : 1. 8 Divisional Commissionerate

                                         2. 64 District Councils

                                         3. 492 Sub-district Councils

                                             -4,573 Village Councils

                                             -329 Town Councils

                                             -11 City Councils

u  Government      : Council Government

u  Subdivisions       : Village and Wards


There are two distinct kinds of local government institutions in Bangladesh:

  1. Rural areas
  2. Urban areas.

Rural local governments have a hierarchical system consisting of three tiers:

  1. Union parishad (4,498 units),
  2. Upazilla parishad (482 units), and
  3. Zilla parishad (61 units) and wards (40,482),

While the urban local government consists of

  1. Pourashavas (municipalities 398 units) and
  2. City corporations (9 units).


Structure of Local Government of Bangladesh



The principal functions of the Local Government commission would be:

(a)    to make laws, rules and guidelines for local government;

(b)   to determine personnel requirements of local governments, including methods of recruitment, charter of duties of staff and manpower strength;

(c)    to assess financial requirements of local government, to set necessary guidelines for training of local government personnel;

(d)   to conduct annual monitoring, to resolve problems and conflicts among local governments, to investigate irregularities, malpractice, corruption and misuse of power and take appropriate punitive measures;

(e)   to take necessary steps to strengthen the local government institutions in Bangladesh. 



  • https://en.banglapedia.org/index.php/Local_Government
  • https://www.mlit.go.jp/kokudokeikaku/international/spw/general/bangladesh/index_e.html
  • https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Existing-Structure-of-Local-Government-in-Bangladesh_fig1_263155959
  • https://m.theindependentbd.com/printversion/details/143106
  • https://books.google.com.bd/books/about/Basic_Democracies_Order_1959.html?id=lF9XAAAAMAAJ&redir_esc=y
  • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Local_government_in_Bangladesh

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