Show Newest Comments first In Google Blogger

Show Newest Comments first In Google Blogger

No comments are displayed in reverse order on Blogger; the oldest one will always rank first and the new comments will always go last of the page. 
By default Google Blogger orders the comments of each post in the ascending order of recentness, meaning that the most recent comment shows up last. How uncool! Did it ever occur to them that people would like to see the most recent comment first? How do I show the most recent comments first? How do I show the comments in the descending order of recentness? This post will first describe the issue and then recommend a fix that works!

So how can you able to change chronological order of comments so that newest shows on top?

You may have looked in settings for the comments, but unable to find a way to make the newest comments show on the top of the list. So you are wondering if there is anyway to change this or will they always appear in chronological order?

We don't have access to this because the comments form is loaded in an iframe.

So unfortunately, there are no settings for that, but you can change the order using CSS3:

#comments .comment-thread ol {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column-reverse;

go to your dashboard -> Theme tab -> Customize -> Advanved -> Add CSS -> paste this code -> Apply to blog.

Hope this solved the problem!

Comment below if you have any further questions. 


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