Proven Strategies that can help improving memory

Proven Strategies that can help improving memory

The proven strategies that can help improving memory are as follows:

Focusing attention

A) elaborative encoding:

Any content is remembered better if we process it more completely.

Real-life example:
Remembering the list of groceries by mentally putting each item in places in the house.

B) self-reference effect:

Content is remembered much better if it's associated with thoughts about ourselves.

Real-life example:
John can remember more people named john than Martha, while Martha can remember more people with the name Martha than john.

C) taking forgetting curve into consideration:

People tend to forget things rapidly as time passes by.

Real-life example: 
we often forget newly acquired information or knowledge in a couple of days if not rehearsed regularly.

D) use of spacing effect:

We can remember information much better if it is spaced over time.

Real-life example: 
we can learn more if we read a book with some time gaps instead of reading it in one long run.

There are mainly three types of memories used in the development of advertisement strategy:

A) sensory memory:

It allows us to store information we get from our senses. It is a temporary type of memory. It is often used in marketing or advertisement.

For example: when walking to the office jack pass by an Indian restaurant and the aromas and fragrance of Indian food and large posters of Indian cuisine attracted him and this sensation lasts few seconds but it attracted him to inquire more about Indian cuisine.

Short-term memory or STM: 

It stresses information for a comparatively limited time period and also has very limited capacity. It is very much like the ram in a computer. It is also used by advertisers to attract customers.

For example: when we memorize things we make a large chunk of memory with a similar small chunk of memories that are associated with the things. For instance, when a customer hears the name apple he summarizes vast information about the brand and its products.

Long term memory or Ltm:

It allows users to record information for a very long period of time and with time STM becomes LTM so we can use important information in the future.

For example, advertisers use catchy jingles and slogans that customers repeated many times and it remains in their LTM because they hear, and see it much time in various advertisements.

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