Green report of Biodegradable Polymer



Each year hundreds of millions of tons of plastics are produced from petroleum. Most of these plastics will remain in landfills for years & causes significant health risks to animals; however, if we see the applications the average person's lifestyle would be impractical without them. One solution to this conundrum lies in biodegradable polymers. Because biodegradable polymer has the ability to breakdown or decompose back into the natural environment without causing harm. Bio-based packaging materials introduced as a green alternative in the past decades due to their-

v environmentally-friendly characteristics,

v vast variety and availability,

v non-toxicity, and

v low cost.

Green report: meaning

The term green report refers to a positive sign. Mainly green report means a report on the situation of a company based on information on costs and environmental indicators.

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Green report of biodegradable polymer

In the 1980s, the response of the enterprising companies within the packaging industry to adverse publicity was to introduce new ‘biodegradable’ packaging materials, generally based on starch-filled polyethylene, which were claimed to ‘disappear naturally’ when exposed to the environment. Most of the ‘green’ claims made for the materials were not supported by experimental evidence and this resulted in a great deal of public concern, particularly in the USA. In 1990, the National Association of Attorneys General (USA) published ‘The Green Report’, based on the findings of a Working Party which drew together these criticisms. The salient conclusions of ‘The Green Report’ were as follows:

1. To advertise polymers as degradable is deceptive unless the conditions are clearly defined.

2. Degradable plastics must be compatible with existing waste management systems.

3. Meaningful research should be carried out into the effects of degradable plastics in the environment.

4. Testing procedures and protocols for degradability should be established.

The first ‘green’ criterion is the governing principle for companies wishing to enter the degradable polymers market. To take an example, it is not legitimate to claim biodegradability in sewage if a polymer does not substantially mineralize during the time it is in the sewage treatment plant.

The second ‘green’ criterion applies particularly to packaging materials whose fate may be landfill or compost but which could also find their way into a mechanical recycling system or an incinerator. It is misleading to claim, as some retailers do, that packaging is ‘recyclable’ if appropriate facilities are not available to convert the wastes into useful products or fuels.

The third ‘green’ criterion indicates that the long-term effects of manmade materials in the environment are as important as their initial impact as litter. The use of degradable materials in consumer products or in agricultural waste must not lead to the generation of toxic or otherwise environmentally unacceptable chemicals in the environment.

The fourth ‘green’ criterion has been addressed internationally by ISO, in the USA by ASTM and in Europe by CEN.


Finally we can say, Eco-friendly packaging leading to enhanced customer appeal, as customers have a clear preference towards sustainable options. Government should emphasis on efficient plastic waste management. And finally by emerging bio-based and renewable raw materials we can enhanced the green technology. 

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